About Me
- Name: Ana
- Location: Stockholm, Sweden, Sweden
Born in the Fifties, old timer activist. Travel a lot, writes all the time, published ten or twelve books, love people and books, play chess and scrabble in different languages.
Bloggers Against Torture

The Progressive Blog Alliance
Register here to join the PBA.

- Crusading
- BildMuseet
- KW
- Granta
- Magazine Litteraire
- Glänta
- Arena
- Ordfront
- CTheory
- Mother Jones
- Counterpunch
- The New Statesman
- The Nation
- Juan Cole
- Fatima Mernissi
- The Activist Reader
- Multitudes
- Gaia Amazonas
- Democracy Now
- Indymedia Madiak
- Fadaiat
- Karosta
- Straddle3
- ljubljana digital media lab - site index
- visicam
- Gridskipper
- The Paris Blog: Group Blog about Paris, France
- Watch France
- Libnanews
- Rasha Salti
- Beirut Update
- ecocampaigner
- electronicIntifada
- frombeirutwithlove
- raytch
- lebanonupdates
- beirutlive
- hopefulbeirut
- littlepaperboat
- mazenkerblog
- laureghorayeb
- rittabaddouraparmilesbombes
- euroarabe
- Cecilia Parsberg
- Erik Pauser
- Birgitta Stenberg
- Carlos Capelan
- cigarett.net
Organic Intellectuals
Institute for Conjunctural Research
Iraqi Democrats Against the Occupation
Iraq Occupation & Resistance Report
Previous Posts
- send.a.message
- yahoo.com
- Courage to Resist - Support the troops who refuse ...
- Cyborgs and rants
- Israel settlements: The Politics of Verticality, a...
- Censorship in Turkey
- Grand Serial Killer. Ciudad Juarez
- Fadaiat, freedom of knowledge and freedom of movement
- Djarbakyr
- Torture according to Opus Dei