Fadaiat, freedom of knowledge and freedom of movement

Breaking news: more than 50 arrested in a peaceful action of The Caravan against the new "CIE" + The judge accepts habeas corpus for some arrested of the "CIE"
[Jun 24th] Universitat Sq., 18h. Demonstration: Enough repression to immigration
[Jun 20th-24th]Fadaiat: For the freedom of movement//Freedom of knowledge
[Jun 23th-25th] Barcelona, 2nd European caravan for the freedom of movement
related news: Danger of expulsion to young schoolboys of french "without documents" families ::: For the immigrants right to vote ::: Melilla:SOS Racisme reports the "connivance" between Spain and Morocco in the repression to immigrants ::: Unió d'Argentins de Catalunya's Communique ::: occupation and hunger strike in Dublin's Cathedral [reports in english from ireland imc: 1 + 2]
+info:immigration, imc-straits, fadaiat, caravan
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
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